Wednesday 10 September 2014

Little child reminds

... ... .... "Son, you still hit your young brother. Don’t you know that it hurts so?. You know pain or not?What a nughty boy! ", Father scolded Malik, who was his first child aged two, with a loud voice. Not only with scolding, he also hitted, pinched, and tweaked Malik hardly. Then, both of his sons cried loudly. Malik's mother reassured father . She said, "Enough, never be angry again to your little son. He is just a child. A child is a child. It is their world. They like playing although one of them hurts” "Of course I know," Father replied. Then he continued, "I do not understand, how many times I advise him. One, two, three, or dozens of times"
"Be patient, we shouldn’t beat. We care them because they are still children," the mother continued. Salik, the second son of father and mother, aged one year. His age is not too far away with his brother. His brother often persecuted him. Salik is happy to play with his brother. When he is injured and pain of his brother, he still like playing with him. Day after day, year after year, the above dialogue often occurs between fathers and mothers. Sometimes there is a little difference of opinion among them which makes the two are angry. Finally father understood and realized that he had made a mistake. He understood that his son did not understand what he meant when scolding his son. He realized, his son does not understand the meaning "bad boy". He mumbled, "O Robb forgive your servant who does the wrong against my own son. I hope I never do it again to my sons. Please, forgive me "
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Sufi Principle

Sufi Principle
Let Our Heart Always Testify and Remember Allah Wherever and Whenever We Are